Apa sih HTML Encrypter? itu adalah cara untuk mengamankan koede html atau javascript yang kita punya, sehingga gak gampang untuk di ambil dan dicuri oarang lain, apalagi kalo itu script rahasia kita. Nah bagaimana cara menggunakannnya,
"; theform.ecode.value=codetocopy; theform.sac.disabled = false; } return false; } function sandc(thisform) { thisform.ecode.focus(); thisform.ecode.select(); copytext=thisform.ecode.createTextRange(); copytext.execCommand("Copy"); alert("Copied the Encrypted HTML Code to clipboard, you may now paste this into your website"); } function encrypt(tx) { var hex=''; var i; for (i=0; i 65535) { return ("err!") } first = Math.round(num/4096 - .5); temp1 = num - first * 4096; second = Math.round(temp1/256 -.5); temp2 = temp1 - second * 256; third = Math.round(temp2/16 - .5); fourth = temp2 - third * 16; return (""+getletter(third)+getletter(fourth)); } function getletter(num) { if (num < 10) { return num; } else { if (num == 10) { return "A" } if (num == 11) { return "B" } if (num == 12) { return "C" } if (num == 13) { return "D" } if (num == 14) { return "E" } if (num == 15) { return "F" } } } |
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